Feature Videos
Feature videos are a 1-2 minute video that showcase the best parts of your listing
Blue Skies/Green Grass
Blue Skies and Green Grass can be selected as an add-on after the photo shoot is completed, They can take up to 24 hours to get back once the images you want them on have been selected and shared with me.
Blue Skie/Green Grass ($10.00 Per image) Item removal ($20-30 per item)
Window Composites
Window composites are a great way to show an amazing view, they can take anywhere from 24-48 hours to get back once the images you want them on have been selected and shared back with me.
Window Composites-----(1-10 - $15.00 per image)----- (11-20 - $12.00 per image)-----(21-35 - $9.00 per image)-----(36 or more - $7.00 per image)
Nightshoots & Elevated